Selasa, 10 Januari 2017
pengalaman kuliah di matematika
Matematika menurut temen gua itu kayak pilihan hidup atau mati, loe tau sendirikan jawabannya bila kita pilih itu. Kalau menurut gua matematika itu kayak air kenapa??? loe pikir aja sendiri...
gak gua bercanda doang.
Di ibaratkan air soalnya air bila ditambah dengan berbagai cairan tetap saja berasa menghilangkan rasa haus dan matematika sukses buat gua gak tidur bila gua gak bisa selesaian soal. matematika itu ada disemua bidang kehidupan dan semua yang ada dialam bisa diaplikasikan dalam matematika misalnya aja data di suatu toko alat tulis mengenai banyaknya pensil, penghapus, spidol dll yang terjual setiap harinya dapat dimodelkan kebentuk matematika kemudian diselesaikan menggunakan program linear.
Itu sekilas yang gua ceritakan kalau loe masih penasaran comment di bawah ini..........
salam manis dari gua
gak gua bercanda doang.
Di ibaratkan air soalnya air bila ditambah dengan berbagai cairan tetap saja berasa menghilangkan rasa haus dan matematika sukses buat gua gak tidur bila gua gak bisa selesaian soal. matematika itu ada disemua bidang kehidupan dan semua yang ada dialam bisa diaplikasikan dalam matematika misalnya aja data di suatu toko alat tulis mengenai banyaknya pensil, penghapus, spidol dll yang terjual setiap harinya dapat dimodelkan kebentuk matematika kemudian diselesaikan menggunakan program linear.
Itu sekilas yang gua ceritakan kalau loe masih penasaran comment di bawah ini..........
salam manis dari gua
Senin, 09 Januari 2017
A History Of Mathematics
Before we are learn abour mathematics, we have to know a history of mathematics. Mathematicians of the twentieth century carry on a highly sophisticated intellectual activity which is not easily defined; but much of the subject that today is known as mathematics is an out growth of thought that originally centered in the concepts of number, magnitude, and form. Old-fashioned definitions of mathematics as a"science of number and magnitude" are no longer valid, but they no suggest the origins of the branches of mathematics. Primitive notions related to the concepts of number, magnitude, and form can be traced back to the earliest days of the human race, and adumbrations of mathematical notions can be found in forms of life that may have antedated mankind by many milions of years. Darwin in descent of man (1871) noted that certain of the higher animals possess such abilities to distinguish number, size, order, and form-rudiments of a mathematical sense-are not exclusively the property of makind. Experiments with crows, for example, have shown that at least certain birds can distinguish between sets containing up to four element. An awareness of differences in patterns found in their environment is clearly present in many lower forms of life, and this is akin to the mathematician's concern for form and relationship.
At one time mathematics was thought to be directly concerned with the word of our sense experiense, and it was only in the nineteeth century that pure mathematics freed itself from limitations suggested by observations of nature. It is clear that originally mathematics arose as a part of the everyday life of man, nd if there is validity in the biological principle of the "survival of the fittest", the persistence of the human race probably is not unrelated to the development in man of mathematical concepts. At first the primitive notions of nber, magnitude, and form may have been related to contrasts rather that likenesses-the diffrence between one wolf and many, the inequality in size of a minnow and a whale, the unlikeness of the roundness of the moon annd the straightness of a pine tree. Gradually there must have arisen, out of the welter of chaotic experience, the realizarion that there are samenesses; and form this awareness of similarities in number and form both science and mathematics were born. The differences themselves seem to point to likenesses, for the contrast between one wolf and many, between one sheep and a herd, between one tree and a forest, suggests that one wolf, one sheep, and one tree have something in common-their uniqueness. In the same way it would be noticed that certain othe groups, such as pairs, can be put into one-to-one correspondence. The hands can be matched against the feet, the eyes, the ears, or the nostrils. This recognition of an abstract properlty that certain groups hold in common, and which we call nuber, represents a long step toward modern mathematics. It is unlikely to have been the discovery af any one individual or of any single tribe; it was more probably a gradual awareness which may have developed as early in man's cultural development as his use of fire, possiblg some 300,000 years ago. That the development of the number concept was a long and gradual process is suggested by the fact that some languages, including Greek, have preserved in their grammar a tripartite distinction between one and two and more than two, whereas most languages today make only the dual distinction in "number" between singular and plural. Evidently our very early ancestors at first counted only to two, any set beyond this level being stigmatized as "many". Even today many primitive people still count objects by arranging them into bundles of two each. (Carl B. Boyer)
At one time mathematics was thought to be directly concerned with the word of our sense experiense, and it was only in the nineteeth century that pure mathematics freed itself from limitations suggested by observations of nature. It is clear that originally mathematics arose as a part of the everyday life of man, nd if there is validity in the biological principle of the "survival of the fittest", the persistence of the human race probably is not unrelated to the development in man of mathematical concepts. At first the primitive notions of nber, magnitude, and form may have been related to contrasts rather that likenesses-the diffrence between one wolf and many, the inequality in size of a minnow and a whale, the unlikeness of the roundness of the moon annd the straightness of a pine tree. Gradually there must have arisen, out of the welter of chaotic experience, the realizarion that there are samenesses; and form this awareness of similarities in number and form both science and mathematics were born. The differences themselves seem to point to likenesses, for the contrast between one wolf and many, between one sheep and a herd, between one tree and a forest, suggests that one wolf, one sheep, and one tree have something in common-their uniqueness. In the same way it would be noticed that certain othe groups, such as pairs, can be put into one-to-one correspondence. The hands can be matched against the feet, the eyes, the ears, or the nostrils. This recognition of an abstract properlty that certain groups hold in common, and which we call nuber, represents a long step toward modern mathematics. It is unlikely to have been the discovery af any one individual or of any single tribe; it was more probably a gradual awareness which may have developed as early in man's cultural development as his use of fire, possiblg some 300,000 years ago. That the development of the number concept was a long and gradual process is suggested by the fact that some languages, including Greek, have preserved in their grammar a tripartite distinction between one and two and more than two, whereas most languages today make only the dual distinction in "number" between singular and plural. Evidently our very early ancestors at first counted only to two, any set beyond this level being stigmatized as "many". Even today many primitive people still count objects by arranging them into bundles of two each. (Carl B. Boyer)
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